Home » Popular Creator » TG Dada UID, Nickname and Free Fire Stats

TG Dada UID, Nickname and Free Fire Stats

TG Dada is an Indian Free Fire content creator on Youtube. He uploads videos of his gameplay, events and 1 v 1 challenge videos on his Youtube channel. In this article, I will tell you basic information about TG Dada. You will also find TG Dada UID number, K/D ratio and Free Fire Stats in thisarticle.

Let’s first look at basic details about TG Dada. reveal

TG Dada Real Name and Age

TG Dada doesn’t reveal his real name. There is currently no information about TG Dada’s name. His age is about 18 ( predicted)

Youtube Channel 

TG Dada started his Youtube channel in September 2020. Currently, the TG Dada Youtube channel has 336k subscribers. He uploads a total of 71 videos on his Youtube channel. His videos receive an average of 100k views.

TG Dada UID, Nickname, Level and Free Fire profile

TG Dada Uid is 401123079 and his Free Fire name is ‘TG DADA’. He is currently on 67 levels of Free Fire. He is a member of the TG mafia Guild.

tg dada free fire uid and profile image

Free Fire Stats of TG Dada in Battle Royale 

Solo – TG Dada played a total of 2027 games in solo mode, in which he won 254 games with 4612 kills.

Duo – He played 1894 games in duo mode, in which he won 275 games with 4700 kills. His win percentage in duo mode is 

Squad – In squad mode, TG Dada played 4594 games in which he won 113 games with his squad. His total kills in squad mode are 12660.

tg dada free fire battle royale stats image

Free Fire Stats in Clash Squad

Clash Squad – Dada played 1241 games in the clash squad mode of Free Fire in which he won 886 games with a total of 6427 kills. His K/D ratio in the clash squad mode is 2.22.

tg dada free fire clash squad stats

TG Dada’s Instagram Id


Also Read : How To Get Free Bundles in Free Fire ?

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