Garena Free Fire is one of the most popular battle royale games. It became the most downloaded game across the world in 2019. Currently, there are millions of active users of Free Fire.
Garena organizes many Free Fire events at the regional and global levels. Many Indian players have proven their worth on such events. Some Indian Free Fire players get admired to a great extent in the community.
Does that create curiosity among us that who are India’s best Free Fire players? So, here is a list of the top 5 best Free Fire players in India.
In this article, we look at the best Free Fire players one by one.
1. TSG Jash
TSG Jash is considered one of the top Indian Free Fire players. His real name is Jash Dhoka. He is regarded as one of the most flawless and eminent Free Fire player. He along with his cousin TSG Ritik is the founder of the Two Side Gamers youtube channel. His youtube channel has more than
9.6 million subscribers.
TSG Jash is a member of the TSG Army. His Free Fire uid number is 123643969. Currently, he is on 68 levels of Free Fire. In the Clash Squad mode of Free Fire, he has played a total of 695 games, out of which he won 382 games with 3289 kills. His K/D ratio in clash squad mode is 1.54.

2. Sudip Sarkar

Sudip Sarkar is a very popular Indian Free Fire player. He is among the most popular Free Fire content creator. He often live streams on youtube at his channel named Sudip Sarkar. Here he also uploads videos of his gameplay, tips and tricks of Free Fire. He has presently 14 lakh subscribers. He has uploaded 469 videos till date.
Sudip Sarkar Free Fire Uid number is 97653930. Presently, he is on 85 levels of Free Fire. In the clash squad mode of Garena Free Fire, he won 2808 games out of a total of 4387 games with 25338 kills. His K/D ratio in this mode is 1.95.
3. Rakesh00007

Rakesh00007 is also a very prominent Free Fire player and Free Fire content creator. Rakesh0007 is his IGN name while his actual name is Rakesh Shetty. Also, he is very popular on youtube. He has 8.18 lakh subscribers on his youtube channel. His channel name is Rakesh00007. He has one more youtube channel titled as Rakesh-FreeFire.
Rakesh00007 Free Fire Uid number is 47282554. He is on 80 levels of Free Fire right now. He played a total of 2176 games in the clash squad mode, in which he won 1622 games with 12234 kills. In the clash squad, his K/D ratio is 2.67.
4. Raistar

Raistar is also a very famous and excellent player in the Free Fire community. Also, he is a well-known Free Fire content creator. There is no information about his real name right now but his IGN name is ?•??????? ?. Many Free Fire fanse considered Raistar as best Free Fire players in India.
But in this article of top 5 Free Fire players in India, we put him on fourth place.
He started his youtube channel in November 2019 named Rai Star. Momentarily, he has 6.1 million subscribers.
Free Fire Uid number of Raistar is 12022250.
Currently, he is on 75 levels of Free Fire. In the clash squad mode of Free Fire, he has played a total of 2822 games out of which, he won 1515 games with 20343 games. His K/D ratio is 1.77 in clash squad mode.
5. Action Bolt

Action Bolt is one of the lists of top Indian Free Fire players. His real name is Anup Mondal and his IGN is Action Bolt. He often live streams on his youtube channel. His youtube channel name is Action Bolt with 12.4 lakh subscribers. He has uploaded 518 videos till date. He is also a vlogger and also has a vlog youtube channel named Actionbolt Vlogs.
Action Bolt Free Fire Uid number is 88651465. He is on 89 levels of Free Fire. In the clash squad mode, he has won 2904 games out of a total of 4301 games with 18488 kills. 1.99 is the K/D ratio of Action Bolt in the clash squad mode.
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